Friday faves | 05.08.16

Friday faves | 05.08.16


Friends it has been one HECK of a dreary week around my way. I’m not sure if the weekend is going to be any better weather-wise but at least I’ll get to snuggle under blankets indoors instead of trudging to the office in the rain. It’s been my first week of going back to working a full 4 days at my office job and I’m already struggling with the getting out of bed on time thing!

We’ve got a whole lot of nothing planned this weekend so I’m just going to be catching up on housework (boring I know) and some of my fave mags. I’ve got a big bowl of candy and my colouring book at the ready for a nice couple of days indoors. Whatever you get up to, I hope you have a good one!

xx Steph

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