Friday faves | 04.03.16

Friday faves | 04.03.16

on my desk this Friday

Everything is awesommmme, everything is cool when you’re part of a team! Sing it with me!

Seriously though, it’s true – this week I got to work alongside the person they’ve found to be my replacement when I leave my day job and it was GREAT. I was supposed to be training her, but she ended up just being my partner in crime and she made moments that would usually be stressful so much easier to bear. Also the fun times were way more fun because I had someone to share them with! I’m so used to working alone, I’d forgotten how enjoyable teamwork can be… if only I could split my job with someone all the time. 🙂

I hope your week’s been treating you well, and here’s to an excellent weekend!

xx Steph

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