DIY paint splatter incense holder for Curbly

DIY paint splatter incense holder for Curbly

DIY clay incense holder for Curbly

Hands up if you enjoy burning incense as much as I do! I love the soothing aroma of incense sticks, especially in times when I’m run off my feet… somehow the scents help me to remain centred and keep calm amongst all the crazy.

Yet believe it or not, I’ve only ever had one incense burner. And it’s never been one I’ve particularly liked, so I figured it was high time I made myself another.

DIY clay incense holder for Curbly

Word of warning – I got fully messy for this project (picture me speckled head to toe in paint), but it was totally worth it for the end result. Also paint splattering is very therapeutic, just in case you were wondering. 😉

If incense is your jam or you’re in the mood for a little paint flinging, pop on over to Curbly for the full tutorial.

xx Steph

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