So you might have noticed that I’ve been getting into woodworking lately. And I say ‘woodworking’ in the loosest sense of the term because let’s face it, I don’t even use nails, let alone any heavy duty power tools. But hey, I’m a dab hand with a bottle of glue and a saw! If that’s the kind of woodworking you’re after, then l’m your gal. 😉
This latest project is one I made for Curbly to sort out all the papers, bills and envelopes that float about my house on a regular basis. I’ve got my fingers crossed that having a tidier desk will lead to a more organised life… come chat to me in a few months and I’ll let you know how well that theory has panned out haha.
In the meantime, head on over to Curbly to get the instructions for this caddy and get your desk organised!
xx Steph