Friday faves | 23.10.15

Friday faves | 23.10.15

Friday faves | 23.10.15

Ah guys we made it. It’s Friday, tomorrow’s the weekend and we’re officially in ‘the future’ according to my one of favourite movies of all time. Seriously, I think I’ve have been looking forward to 21st October 2015 for most of my life… it was just too bad my husband is overseas and I had no-one to share all my geek film references with (I normally can’t remember what day of the week it is, but I can quote whole scenes from that movie, go figure).

On a completely random and unrelated note, what’s your favourite incense scent? I ran out of the sticks I had (which were from Cambodia) and I’d love to get some more, but I’m not sure what to choose. I trust you guys 100% to help me with this important life decision. 😉 Thanks and enjoy the weekend!

xx Steph

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