
DIY treat-filled plastic egg easter bunnies
You may have noticed I’ve had bunnies on the brain lately and my obsession with our furry little friends shows no signs of abating! This time around, I thought it’d...
DIY treat-filled plastic egg easter bunnies
You may have noticed I’ve had bunnies on the brain lately and my obsession with our furry little friends shows no signs of abating! This time around, I thought it’d...

DIY printable easter bunny boxes
I don’t know why, but these days there’s something about bunnies that has me going completely gaga. Maybe it’s because they’re so darn freakin’ cute? Or perhaps it’s because they’re...
DIY printable easter bunny boxes
I don’t know why, but these days there’s something about bunnies that has me going completely gaga. Maybe it’s because they’re so darn freakin’ cute? Or perhaps it’s because they’re...

DIY clay crown egg cups
It occurred to me the other day that Easter is only a month away. Which is a bit of a shock if I’m being honest – I mean wasn’t it...
DIY clay crown egg cups
It occurred to me the other day that Easter is only a month away. Which is a bit of a shock if I’m being honest – I mean wasn’t it...

DIY ombre heart jars for The Reject Shop
When it comes to DIY, there’s no such thing as too much colour in my book. So I guess it’s not surprising that I went a bit mad with rainbows...
DIY ombre heart jars for The Reject Shop
When it comes to DIY, there’s no such thing as too much colour in my book. So I guess it’s not surprising that I went a bit mad with rainbows...

DIY best friend shrink plastic pendants for Gal...
There were a few key pieces of ‘jewellery’ that were must haves when I was a kid (keep in mind I’m using the word jewellery in the loosest sense of...
DIY best friend shrink plastic pendants for Gal...
There were a few key pieces of ‘jewellery’ that were must haves when I was a kid (keep in mind I’m using the word jewellery in the loosest sense of...

DIY post-it note holder
Confession time – I have an addiction to post-it notes. Yeah okay fine, as far as confessions go that’s not a very juicy one, but nevertheless it’s true and it...
DIY post-it note holder
Confession time – I have an addiction to post-it notes. Yeah okay fine, as far as confessions go that’s not a very juicy one, but nevertheless it’s true and it...