“I know things have been very quiet around here lately”
I feel like every post I’ve written over the past year seems to start with this sentence, so I thought it was high time I wrote an explanation as to where things are at, why I’ve been so silent and what that means for Make and Tell.
Long-time readers will know that I used to post religiously, several times a week, working my butt off to create and share craft projects. I loved this space and the DIYs that were a part of it. Then Lauren came along and I began posting less to spend more time with my girl.

I figured after she was past the newborn stage I’d pick up right where I left off. But funnily enough, having that time away from constantly creating new content gave me the space to reflect on what I really love to do in my spare time (because that’s now the only time I have to work on any side projects, after hours when Lauren is asleep!).
And a little voice in the back of my mind kept coming back to the same thing. I love to draw. My sketchbook is the first thing I turn to when I’ve got some downtime, but I always thought I wasn’t good enough to be a bona fide artist, so my fall-back has been DIYs. And sharing my sketches as free printables for you guys. 🙂
Which I LOVE, don’t get me wrong. But I’ve finally come to the conclusion that I’d like to focus more on my art and less on crafts. Perhaps even set up a shop for my prints. At the very least, build up the number of illustrations that you can purchase on my Society6 and Gocase stores.

As you can tell, I haven’t got all the details figured out yet, but this shift in priorities has been the reason for my silence and now that I’ve got a clearer idea of how I want this space to grow, I’ll hopefully be back on board in a much more enthusiastic fashion!
I’ll be sure to share any updates with you as I go along, and if you’re interested in seeing more of my drawings you can follow along on Instagram and Facebook. Have you got any changes of your own happening in 2019? Do share, I’d love to hear what’s in store for you this year!
xx Steph