My heart breaks with all the pain being felt in the world at the moment.
It’s quite strange because here in Australia, the days are sunny, life is calm and we’re returning to some semblance of normality as lockdown restrictions ease.
But at the same time, across the world, news reports depict scenes of rage, sadness, riots and death.

I’ve been so caught up with planning Lauren’s therapies, preparing for her birthday and just dealing with the day-to-day busy-ness that comes with being the mother of a child who has delays, that I haven’t had the space to properly gather my thoughts on what is happening in the US.
But even so, I feel the sadness, sorrow and anger every day as scenes of chaos course across our airwaves.
And I know deep down that the pain we’re seeing across the Pacific echoes the pain felt right here by the Aboriginal People. I’m not sure what the right thing to do is amidst all this tragedy and injustice, but one thing is clear – we have so much work ahead of us.

I drew this heart because I wanted to share something hopeful while I take the time to process. It’s not an answer; it’s barely even a first step, but I hope it helps bring some light to an otherwise dark time.
Heart wreath widescreen desktop wallpaper (1900px wide)
Heart wreath tablet and phone wallpaper (2400px wide)
Please note: this artwork is for personal use only
xx Steph