Hello February, the month of lurrrrrve! Before you roll your eyes and start pulling puke faces, I promise I’ll try to avoid all Valentine’s Day sap on the blog this year. Instead, I’m going to concentrate on what makes this holiday great for everyone, whether you’re single or in a relationship.
Or, like me, you have a kid that doesn’t sleep, so you’d rather retreat to your bed for days than go out for a romantic candlelit dinner!
So what makes Valentine’s Day great you ask? Chocolate for starters. Being surrounded by boatloads of pink. And having an excuse to eat all the heart-shaped cookies that your… well that your heart desires!
And yes, I know these cookies aren’t quite as good as the real deal. But they sure are fun to dress up your screen with while you go and rustle up a nice big helping of buttery, sugary goodness. Think of it as setting the mood for the holiday to come!
Heart cookie widescreen desktop wallpaper (1900px wide)
Heart cookie iPad and iPhone wallpaper (2400px wide)
xx Steph