image by Fran (We Make Collective)
Yay it’s Friday! Just wanted to drop by and say a quick hello before I have to put my head back down and power through the rest of the day. This week I’ve been drowning in work, and there are family things happening and… well you know what it’s like right? When it rains, it pours!
Before I go though, I wanted to share some SUPER exciting news – last week saw the launch of We Make Collective and I’m thrilled to announce that I’m going to be a part of this amazing project!
The projects I make for this blog have always been aimed at inspiring others to create, so when Fran told me about her wonderful vision for the Collective, you can bet I was right on board! We Make Collective is a space where you can learn new skills, share ideas and be inspired creatively. It will provide kits and tutorials to teach crafting techniques and encourage people to get making. And best of all, it’s based on the belief that creativity comes from practice much more than it does from talent alone, which is something I totally agree with!
If you’re interested in learning more about We Make, you can find out all about it on the Kickstarter page. And if you’re after even more inspiration for your weekend, the links below are pretty neat too. Have a good one folks!
- WANT – Okay, so I love everything in this store, but the subtlety of the stoneware is especially lovely.
- MAKE – My new favourite drink embellishment.
- NOTE – Topographical notebooks? Yes please!
- DRINK – Cocktails don’t get much tastier than this
- DESIGN – I’m just hooked on the beautiful layouts and tropical colours
- RECAP – Did you catch the faux granite bookends I made for my new bench this week? Granite spray paint is my new best friend!
xx Steph