Holiday gift guide for the girl boss

Holiday gift guide for the girl boss

Gift guide for the #girlboss

So I started the year with a small blog that I considered very much a hobby and ended the year with a bigger blog that’s allowing me to work less hours at my day job. What do you think guys? Does that qualify me for #girlboss status? I think it just might!

And that being the case, it was really easy to put together this gift guide because hey, it’s a whole bunch of stuff that I’d LOVE to get for Christmas myself. 😉

If you’re buying for a girl boss this Christmas, check out some of the goods below – she’ll appreciate their gorgeousness AND the thought behind them!

  1. Be Bold tote: for when you need reminding that it’s good to stand out
  2. Inspirational notebooks: for all those amazing on-the-fly ideas!
  3. Desk calendar: too pretty for words. Somebody buy this for me puhleeeeease?
  4. Concrete desk set: is it weird that one of my goals in life is to own concrete stationery?
  5. Vision journal: for short term goals, your biggest dreams and everything in between. This baby will help you create action plans to achieve your targets.
  6. Cord tacos: because nests of wires are not conducive to productivity
  7. Travel mug: girl boss or not, coffee comes first!
  8. Leather iPad case: beautifully patterned leather. Enough said right? 🙂

xx Steph

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