Slow living

Slow living

This + that | Slow living

Hands up if you think 2014 went fast? And I don’t mean kinda quick, I mean really rapidly. I’ve heard this sentiment echoed a lot lately; we arrived at the end of year and wondered how it could possibly be December so soon. I know I say often that time goes by faster each year, but last year felt like it surpassed all records for speediness!

Which actually made me a bit sad because a whole year had come and gone without me feeling like I’d really been present for it. Life is short and I hate the idea of hurrying through it at such a pace that weeks become a blur and I don’t remember how I got to the year’s end. Last year, there were books I wanted to read, hobbies I wanted to take up, places I wanted to explore, people I wanted to see… all pushed aside because I was engulfed in busy-ness. In schedules, deadlines, events, and just too much of everything.

So although I’m not one for making New Year’s resolutions, now that we’re at the start of a brand new year, I’d like to make it my goal to live slower. To take my time, enjoy life’s wonders and do the things I always want to do but put aside because I get too busy. The amazing Erin Loechner sums this up perfectly in her post ‘The Rebirth of Slow Blogging‘.

But now comes the tricky part. What do I prioritise in order to stop the living busily and start living slowly? I love it all and I want it all – the blog, my job, freelance work, networking and social media (don’t laugh, I could live on pinterest and instagram!), being there for family and friends. I’d love to know what you think… what would you prioritise and do you feel the need to start living a slower life?

xx Steph

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