Friday faves | 29.04.16

Friday faves | 29.04.16

rubber plant

I am in denial. Firstly about the fact that it’s the end of April (howwww does time fly so fast?) and secondly about the fact that I am a terrible plant mother. Like truly awful.

I managed to destroy my mint recently (everyone who says its impossible to kill mint has never met me) and so to cheer myself up, I went to the hardware store and bought… a rubber tree. I know, I know, bad idea. I couldn’t help it! I wanted to get something to fill the empty mint pot and well… just look at how healthy and happy it is! For now anyway.

All that stuff they say about practice makes perfect surely applies to gardening too right? I hope so. Either way, keep your fingers crossed for me and my new victim leafy friend and enjoy the weekend!

xx Steph

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